Sitelock Security

Security & Malware Protection for your Website

Rest assured as SiteLock™, the world-renowned expert in website security, safeguards your website, providing you with tranquility. With SiteLock’s Daily Malware Scanning, your website’s vulnerabilities and any known malicious code are promptly detected and removed, ensuring protection for your website and its visitors against potential threats.
Additionally, you’ll receive the SiteLock Trust Seal, instilling customer confidence and proving its effectiveness in boosting sales and conversion rates.

Main Features:

Malware Scan

Automatic malware removal

Strong Firewall

Fast automated setup

Vulnerability Scan

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Daily Malware Scanning
  • Number of Pages – 25
  • SiteLock Risk Score
  • Website Application Scan – One Time
  • Daily Blacklist Monitoring
  • SQL Injection Scan – One Time
  • Sitelock™ Trust Seal
  • Cross Site (XSS) Scan – One Time
  • Network Scan
  • Sitelock™ Trust Seal
  • Security Alerts
  • Use of Global Network to Identify Malicious Behaviour
  • Block Bad Bot Attacks
  • Search Engine Access
  • Comment Spam Elimination
  • CAPTCHA Security
  • Block Content “Scraping”
  • Search Engine Blacklist Monitoring
  • Spam Verification
  • SSL Verification
  • Business Verification
  • Phone Number Verification
  • Postal Address Verification
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Global CDN
  • Caching of Static Content
  • Compression if Static Content
  • Content Minification
  • Image Optimization

  • Daily Malware Scanning
  • Number of Pages – 100
  • SiteLock Risk Score
  • Website Application Scan – One Time
  • Daily Blacklist Monitoring
  • SQL Injection Scan – One Time
  • Sitelock™ Trust Seal
  • Cross Site (XSS) Scan – One Time
  • Network Scan
  • Daily FTP Scan
  • Automatic Malware Removal
  • File Change Monitoring
  • Sitelock™ Trust Seal
  • Security Alerts
  • Use of Global Network to Identify Malicious Behaviour
  • Block Bad Bot Attacks
  • Search Engine Access
  • Comment Spam Elimination
  • CAPTCHA Security
  • Block Content “Scraping”
  • Search Engine Blacklist Monitoring
  • Spam Verification
  • SSL Verification
  • Business Verification
  • Phone Number Verification
  • Postal Address Verification
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Global CDN
  • Caching of Static Content
  • Compression if Static Content
  • Content Minification
  • Image Optimization
  • Daily Malware Scanning
  • Number of Pages – 500
  • SiteLock Risk Score
  • Website Application Scan – One Time
  • Daily Blacklist Monitoring
  • SQL Injection Scan – One Time
  • Sitelock™ Trust Seal
  • Cross Site (XSS) Scan – One Time
  • Network Scan
  • Daily FTP Scan
  • Automatic Malware Removal
  • File Change Monitoring
  • Sitelock™ Trust Seal
  • Security Alerts
  • Use of Global Network to Identify Malicious Behaviour
  • Block Bad Bot Attacks
  • Search Engine Access
  • Comment Spam Elimination
  • CAPTCHA Security
  • Block Content “Scraping”
  • Search Engine Blacklist Monitoring
  • Spam Verification
  • SSL Verification
  • Business Verification
  • Phone Number Verification
  • Postal Address Verification
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Global CDN
  • Caching of Static Content
  • Compression if Static Content
  • Content Minification
  • Image Optimization
  • Daily Malware Scanning
  • Number of Pages – 2500
  • SiteLock Risk Score
  • Website Application Scan – One Time
  • Daily Blacklist Monitoring
  • SQL Injection Scan – One Time
  • Sitelock™ Trust Seal
  • Cross Site (XSS) Scan – One Time
  • Network Scan
  • Daily FTP Scan
  • Automatic Malware Removal
  • File Change Monitoring
  • Sitelock™ Trust Seal
  • Security Alerts
  • Use of Global Network to Identify Malicious Behaviour
  • Block Bad Bot Attacks
  • Search Engine Access
  • Comment Spam Elimination
  • CAPTCHA Security
  • Block Content “Scraping”
  • Search Engine Blacklist Monitoring
  • Spam Verification
  • SSL Verification
  • Business Verification
  • Phone Number Verification
  • Postal Address Verification
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Global CDN
  • Caching of Static Content
  • Compression if Static Content
  • Content Minification
  • Image Optimization

Features of SiteLock

SiteLock Offers a variety of functionalities meticulously crafted to safeguard not only your website but also your business’s reputation.

Malware Scan

Vigilantly monitors your website for any detected malware and promptly notifies you of any findings proactively.

Automatic malware removal

In the event of a scan detecting anything, SiteLock will automatically and securely eliminate any identified malware.

Vulnerability Scan

Conducts automatic checks on your applications to ensure they are up-to-date and fortified against known vulnerabilities.

OWASP Protection

Acquire comprehensive protection against the top 10 web app security flaws acknowledged by OWASP, the Open Web Application Security Project.

Fast automated setup

With instant and fully automated setup, you gain immediate protection without the need for any installations.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Enhance your website’s speed by globally distributing and serving it to visitors from the nearest location, ensuring faster page load speeds regardless of their location.

Strong Firewall

Your website is safeguarded against hackers and attacks by the advanced TrueShield™ Web Application Firewall.

Protect your reputation

Daily scans help detect malware early before search engines have a chance to find it and blacklist your site.